Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Doody Calls - Pet Poop Cleaning in Southlake

February 04, 2008

Original A liberal dose article: SHLACHTER, PEROTIN, FUQUAY & CO.
Bill and Julie Dickens of Southlake are making a clean living handling one of Tarrant County's newest dirty jobs: Picking up where pets leave off.
Their pet poop business is picking up as homeowners associations and apartment complexes hire the couple to clean up after dogs that soil the common areas. Homeowners also can have their yard cleaned for as little as $17 a trip.
'One good thing about our business is that we don't have any contracts,' Julie Dickens told staff writer Andrea Jares. 'We can come out biweekly, or if someone is having a birthday party, we can do a one-day cleaning.'

Southlake Real Estate

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